ONE Actionable Takeaway from Ketosource
Takeaway: How Do I Choose Keto-Friendly Snacks? (Part 2)
In part one in last week’s newsletter, we went over how to choose keto-friendly snacks based on the net carb content of any snack or packaged food.
Today we take the next step to ensure you’re using the personal net carb limit that keeps you personally in ketosis. We cover:
- Why your Personal Net Carb Limit is unique to you.
- What your Personal Net Carb Limit is in grams
- How to choose snacks using your Personal Net Carb Limit.
Three Steps For Using Your Personal Net Carb Limit To Choose Snacks
- Step 1: Find out your Personal Net Carb Limit using the Net Carb Limit Calculator.
- Step 2: Calculate the net carbs in your snack from the nutritional information table.
- Step 3: Evaluate against your Personal Net Carb Limit.
In the last newsletter, we go over steps two and three so below we will focus more on the first step on how and why you should use your Personal Net Carb Limit.
Step 1: Find Your Unique Personal Net Carb Limit
Your Personal Net Carb Limit is the number of carbs you can have at one time and stay in appetite reduction ketosis. It’s best used to shop for snacks to eat between meals.
The infographic below shows how height can affect your Personal Net Carb Limit.

Depending on your ketone metabolism, height and other factors your Personal Net Carb Limit will change. Finding this limit on your own can be difficult. It usually requires a lot of testing of your blood glucose and ketone responses to different foods.
This is why the Ketosource team has built a Personal Net Carb Limit Calculator for you to use. If you haven’t already, follow the link to find out what your Personal Net Carb Limit is.
Step 2: Calculate the Net Carbs In Your Snack
Calculate your net carbs by checking the nutritional information table usually located on the back of your snack or food item.
Remember before checking your net carbs you should also check for Hidden net carbs. You can find more on that here.
If you need a reminder or need to learn how to calculate net carbs head here. You’ll get a detailed explanation of how to calculate your net carbs.
Step 3: Evaluate against your Personal Net Carb Limit
Using the example from the last newsletter, let’s quickly go over how to evaluate your snack using the Personal Net Carb Limit.
Morgan has used the Personal Net Carb Limit Calculator and has found her Personal Net Carb Limit is actually 6.4g per day and not the 5.5g general limit. Evaluating her snacks again she finds:
- Morgan’s Personal Net Carb Limit = 6.4g
- Two Health bars = 6.2
Morgan now knows she can have two snacks a day before being at risk of coming out of ketosis. This is important as too many net carbs will lower circulating blood ketones below 0.5 mmol/l compromising fat loss results.
As you can see your Personal Net Carb Limit allows you to customise your keto lifestyle allowing you more control and greater sustainability. The more control you have the greater probability that you will stick with the diet and reach your fat loss goals.
Actionable Takeaways
Using and understanding your Personal Net Carb Limit is simple just remember:
- Your Personal Net Carb Limit is designed for your personal ketone metabolism
- Using your Personal Net Carb Limit to choose snacks will ensure that you remain in appetite-reduced ketosis
- Use the Personal Net Carb Limit Calculator to find out your Personal Net Carb Limit
- When choosing snacks check for hidden net carbs then the Nutritional Information and calculate your total net carbs
- Make sure that the total net carb number of your snack is below your Personal Net Carb Limit
ONE Quote from a Credible Expert
Takeaway: The Ketogenic State is a Metaoblic Advantage
This quote comes from Ben Bikman, PhD. Ben is a researcher and Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology, Brigham Young University. He is currently exploring insulin and ketones as key drivers of metabolic function..
“A ketogenic state is a metabolic advantage…. because you are both wasting energy in the form of Ketone excretion through breath and urine which can be to the tune of a few hundred calories potentially and overall metabolic rate is elevated.
David Ludwig in particular found that a metabolic rate can be up by almost 300 calories a day…
So when we combine these… the higher metabolic rate and the wasting of energetic molecules in the form of Ketone excretion we have several hundred calories now of wiggle room where if we’re eating these calories this is how someone could still be losing weight and not have to go hungry.”
Source: Reversing Insulin Resistance | The Metabolic Link Ep.9 (timestamp 01:06:39)
ONE of Your #1 Questions Answered
The Question: How Long Can I Take C8 MCT Oil?
The top question sent in from you this week was from Francisco Montalvo. Thank you Francisco!
“I would like to know if [C8 MCT Oil]’s use is recommended and there is no problem finishing a bottle and starting another one afterwards. That is, take this product daily, for months or years, or it is recommended to take rest periods at a certain period of time and how long these breaks are for.”
The Answer:
You can take C8 MCT oil indefinitely. There is no need to take a rest or a pause. This is because there are no known side effects or risks associated with taking the oil long-term. That being said, here are three things you might want to consider before continuing the oil indefinitely:
- What are you using your C8 MCT oil for?
- Where are you on your fat loss journey?
- Once you hit your fat loss goal are there other reasons to take it?
Below we will discuss key considerations and their impact on your long-term use of C8 MCT oil.
What to Consider When Taking C8 MCT Oil Long-Term
As there is a cost involved in taking the oil, you should always consider if it’s still supporting your goals. Here are four evidence-based examples of where C8 MCT oil is useful.
- Fat Loss: If your goal is fat loss you should aim to take C8 MCT oil at least until you reach your fat loss goal. Taken an hour before your meals it lowers appetite making it easier to eat less no matter what your diet is. You can learn more on how to use C8 MCT oil for fat loss here.
- Fat Loss and the Keto Diet: The next use case is when it is added to a ketogenic diet. People will often use more than one tool to meet their fat loss goals. Using the ketogenic diet along with C8 MCT oil is another common way to benefit from the oil. You can learn more about combining nutritional tools for fat loss here.
- Fat Loss and Fasting: Similarly fasting is used in conjunction with C8 MCT oil as it helps lower appetite throughout the fast and prolong it further. You can learn more about how to use C8 MCT oil for fasting here.
- Exercise: Some clients, having met their fat loss goals continue to use C8 MCT Oil to optimise their workout routine. Many of the athletes we’ve worked with who want to keep carbs low, find the oil to be a good solution for adding calories before a workout or during longer bouts of exercise.
- Therapeutically: C8 MCT oil has been researched to support therapeutic ketone boosting to aid with different conditions. These include cognitive decline, and epilepsy, amongst other conditions. Here at Ketosource, we focus on fat loss but if you are interested to learn more about the therapeutic benefits of C8 MCT oil you can contact us and we’ll provide you with references.
Actionable Takeaways
In conclusion, you’ll get the most from taking C8 MCT oil if you remember:
- C8 MCT oil has no known side effects from long-term use
- Your current goal dictates if you should take the oil e.g. fat loss, exercise, fasting, or therapeutically